IF-MOS trade issues

A list of issues to be addressed and questions to be asked. Arising at a meeting between SA, RF, SC and WF at the ST-ECF on 6 July 1999.

  1. Need to refine the specifications of the MOS
  2. What are the science drivers for the R~150 IFS-LR mode? Where is R=1000? SC to address
  3. How do we define useful figures of merit for the spectrographs?
  4. Galaxy number counts at the magnitudes of interest for NGST spectroscopy
  5. Need a schematic diagram to understand the mapping from the sky to the detector for the IFS-LR. SC to provide.
  6. What length of slit is needed for sky subtraction in the MOS? How much does this reduce the number of objects per exposure? What are the real light profiles of objects at the faint limit: the NICMOS observations are limited by the Cam 3 resolution? SA to investigate; WF to look at NICMOS data
  7. The IFS will always observe 'cumulatively' whereas the MOS will probably be pointed at galaxies of similar magnitude. How does this influence the figures of merit?
  8. Need to check if the new NGST ETC changes any of the conclusions
  9. How do we quantify the differences on operational complexity? Include a discussion of sky determination
  10. Under what circumstances is the detector noise likely to be significant?

Modified by Bob Fosbury on July 8, 1999.
For more information, please send mail to Bob Fosbury.